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Flare 22


2000-11-24-2:02 am CDT

Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, I'm late. But every day should be Thanksgiving (someone else said this to me, but I rather like it. I think I'll take it.) My family participated in their usual level of dysfunction this Thanksgiving. It was highly entertaining. Mom had to work, so she missed most of it. Which is kind of funny because she's usually the instigator. She and my dad did have a fight. He was running late. He missed half of dinner. Mom was pissed.

Gram wouldn't sit down for more than two minutes. And guess what my alcoholic uncle was doing? Ding, ding, ding!! You guessed it, he was drinking. This is the same uncle who everyone entrusted to carve the turkey. He is a butcher (aka "meat specialist") after all. Now I don't know about you, but in my opinion sharp, scary weapons resembling machetes in the hands of a highly intoxicated man do not mix. I like my turkey blood free, thanks.

Through my excellent powers of persuasion, I managed to get the knife away from him with all limbs and digits still firmly attached (his and mine) and proceeded to carve the remainder of the turkey without further incident. But, dude, THEY ATE THE WHOLE BIRD!!! Twenty-two pounds of lucious turkey gone. No post-dessert turkey sandwiches. No leftovers the next day. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nadda. I'm so depressed. Oh woe is me!

Actually, this holiday was a lot nicer than most. Less hectic. After the dishes were washed and dessert was eaten (sans turkey sammitch) lethargy set in. I swear there was some kind of drug in that turkey. I know that trichtophane(?) stuff makes you sleepy but we were pretty much down for the count.

But as we all sat around the living room of my grandmother's house I looked around and saw all that I had to be thankful for. My parents and brother. My uncles and aunt, my cousins. I saw in that one room the past that shaped me, the present that blesses me, the future that beckons with an inviting hand. We reminisced about how my cousin Wes would stay with us when my brother and I were small. The ten year age difference never meant anything. He's my big brother. Now he has his own baby. Boggles the mind. The circle of life continues. I saw the miracle today. I needed to see that miracle. Funny how things happen to save you just when you think that things are hopeless. Definitely something for which to be truly thankful.

Remember to look for the miracle. Sometimes it's right there in something as simple as a bunch of lazy people. And lay off the turkey. You're looking a little rounder than usual:-)


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