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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2000-11-27-1:56 pm CDT

I don't know where to begin. At the beginning maybe? :) What an odd weekend. Happy times as well as sad and very difficult, a circle of emotions as my friend D puts it. My godfather went to jail this weekend. About two years ago he was charged with drug possession with the intent to sell. Turns out he had been dealing for years. I've always been a firm supporter of the law. You do the crime you do the time. But this situation puts me in an awkward position. Granted my uncle committed a crime. He should have to pay for it. I just can't help thinking about my cousins. They are only babies. My cousin A is the sweetest boy you will ever meet. He's more considerate than most adults I know. And little G just doesn't understand that her dad is going away for a year.

I keep trying to look at the bright side of things. For my uncle at least. He'll get into a treatment program for his alcoholism. I hope he'll have learned his lesson. My grandmother is extremely upset, as is my mom and my other uncle. Things could be worse. He could be in an actual jail instead of just work release. He could be missing 20 Christmases instead of just one.

Now the happy stuff. I went to a wedding on Saturday. It was fantabulous. In the past I have mentioned that my friends are a tad straight-laced. But I seem to have left out the part about how much I love them. Meeting D amd my roommate C is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. They draw me out of my shell and let me show who I really am. That's such a great feeling. We danced and were merry. My roommate got totally trashed, which was quite amusing considering she never drinks.

Our friends B and G also came up to Wisconsin for the wedding fun!! Oh and poor D. There was this really trampy woman there, a friend of the groom and an equally trashy friend of the bride. She and the bride's friend decided it would be a good idea to screw each other in the hotel room, with D sleeping in the bed next to them. Now that'd be perfectly fine if D were a willing observer. But to wake up to two virtual strangers going at it two feet from your bed is a little digusting. Are people really that inconsiderate? But we certainly had some fun with them the next day at breakfast. I've never seen two people turn quite that shade of red before. Highly amusing.

It's kind of strange to see my peers getting married. It's even odder to think that within ten years most of my friends will be married. Crazy. Weren't we just going to prom?


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