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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2000-11-16-3:13 am CDT

Just when you think that things are moving along just swimmingly life sucker punches you right in the stomach and leaves you writhing on the floor. What a week!!! And it's not even over yet. Oh things started out great. I spent Saturday night with my friends. Actually it was quite amusing. We decided to go to Chinatown for dinner. So we get off the El at the "Chinatown" stop. On our way to the restaurant my friend D from Baltimore asks me in a not-so-quiet voice "Are those the projects, Steph?" Oh geeze. "Yes, D honey, those are the projects." She then proceeds to whip out her camera and take pictures of the low income housing. That's my D, always thinking.

So we have dinner without further incident except for my urges to scream "date her already!" to my very dear friends who REALLY need to just give it up and get together.

Now for the really fun stuff. I get a call on Sunday from my dad telling me that I owe an extra $1500 in tuition. FANTASTIC!!! Cause ya know I just have that kind of cash laying around. Hold on and let me check my change jar. My "change jar" consists of a shot glass that sits on my desk containing approximately four dollars in change.

Then today my advisor tells me in not so many words today that I'm one of the "slower" students in the English major. Thanks, always a pick-me-up. THEN, I find out that my brother and his girlfriend broke up AND someone is trying to get him fired from his job. Why, you ask? He wouldn't go out on a date with her (the girl who's trying to get him fired, not his ex). She retaliated with some not-so-nice accusations.

In spite of all of this I'm trying to keep my "glass-half-full" mentality about life. But I can't help asking this question: Exactly what is the glass half full of? (Side note: Since sarcasm is quite often lost on the web I must explain my last statement. I am implying that the glass is, indeed, half full but that which is in the glass may not be appealing or positive.)

Hope everyone else's week is much, much better! Make it a happy, shiny one!



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