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Flare 22


2000-09-20-11:50 pm CDT

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." --Mother Teresa

When do people become so hurtful? Where does the hatred start? Is it inherent? Is it learned? From a verbal attack on an innocent person to the murder and crime that runs rampant in the streets to the genocide of millions, this abominable behavior has been around for centuries, millenia, even.

A very wonderful person was verbally attacked tonight. It hurts to know that there is nothing I can do. This virtual world only allows so much, and comfort is not one of them, unfortunately. However, one of the most terrible things that the internet does allow is hate. I think what people fail to realize when online is that everyone is real. That person whose weblog you just read is real. The girl from Georgia that you were chatting with last night is real. A breathing, moving, loving, caring person. So what makes people log on and verbally blast someone who chooses to share his art with the world? The arugument against this person was that the content of said website is superficial. Who is anyone to call another human being superficial? The accuser doesn't know the accused. They've never talked over coffee or nodded hello in the office or even walked on the same street for that matter.

It all starts here my friends. With words. Nothing ever begins without words. The bad stuff is easier to believe. I once read somewhere this quote, "Sticks and stones only break bones. Words can shatter the soul." Believe it or not, but every word that comes out of your mouth, every word that you type or write for someone else to read will be indelibly marked in their minds, their hearts, their souls.

What kind of mark do you want to leave?

Cherish every person you encounter. They are a gift from God. And always remember that they, just like you, are only human.


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