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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2001-01-30-10:19 pm CDT

Notify List! Sign up so you can be informed when I update with new and exciting tidbits of my superstar-like life. I DO know how to do this web stuff! Well, not really, I just cut and pasted what they told me to but I know how to make garlic mashed potatoes. What more do you want from me? I know mail makes you feel special, like you're cool or something. So sign up! Hurry! Do it now!

In other, more exciting news, my car died this weekend. While I was at school, my parents neglected to start the car for the entire two weeks I wasn't home. In case you don't know what happens when cars aren't started for two weeks in below freezing weather, let me tell you. THE BATTERY DIES! Oh but my story gets much much better! As my father attempts to jump start my car, the alarm goes off. Normally that wouldn't be a problem except I was unaware that my car HAD an alarm. Consequently, I do not have a fun little remote to turn the alarm off. Oh joy! My dad, being the cool guy that he is, figures out how to deactivate the sucker and successfully starts the car.

We go to put air in my tires 'cause they're flat (something wrong with my car? Imagine that!) only to find that lo and behold! I need new brakes. Woo hoo! My day just keeps getting better and better. Mind you, this is not a junk heap of a car. It's about five years old, unrusted, unsoiled (is that a word?) and virtually undriven (18,000 miles!) And of course the simple fact that I just bought the thing in July and will continue making payments for it long after I stop loving it just peeves me beyond words.

Before you send a huge outpouring of sympathy email (because I know you truly care) let me stress that I am broke, I need money, I am broke, and I think my body hates me and is retaliating by giving me uncontrollable amounts of indigestion. All donations may be sent to me directly [email protected]. Or you can just send Cheetos and French onion dip. Mmmmmm, french onion dip.

So how was YOUR day?


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