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Flare 22


2002-02-14-6:03 p.m.

"How lucky am I to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to" ~Katreena Lyne Smith

I have been away far too long, as I have taken to doing of late. I need to talk. My grandfather died on Monday. Well, he wasn't my grandfather really, but he was as close to one as I have ever had. My mom gave me the news last night and I was fine, sad for my gram, but okay in every other way. I didn't even cry and I am usually a walking faucet.

Then I went to mass.

Church always makes me a little weepy. I get very emotional over a strong faith community coming together in worship and love. While I was there, though, I began thinking of all of things that I loved (and was duly annoyed with) about my grandpa Frank.

He would talk incessantly about nothing in particular for hours (and hours and hours). In the midst of all the babble he would come out with one simple comment or idea that made sitting through all of that other talk worth it. He never neglected to mention that he was proud of me for my accomplishments. He also never forgot to mention when I was being a brat (which never happens).

I asked my mom when the funeral and wake were. My mom's reply tore my heart to shreds. There will be no wake, only a short service. The reason: Who would come?

Granpa Frank had some issues with alcohol when his children were young. They disowned him and they haven't been in contact in over ten years. We became his family; my brother, cousins, and I, his grandchildren.

Some people in this world live and die alone. I just hope he knows that we were his family, that he was loved for all of his quirky traits and good intentions and kind words and deeds, for the love he gave to all of us. I hope he knows that he will be loved and missed far more than I can ever express.

Every person touches and shapes a life. It is those lives that he touched that carry on in his name.

You did not die alone, Grandpa Frank. I know that you are happy with the Lord in heaven now. Always know that we love you and miss you.

As for the rest of us on earth, our goal is to go out and live our lives to the fullest, to make sure that no one in this world ever feels alone. Give a little sunshine, whether it be an afternoon spent with friends or family, a smile to a stranger, or a shared cup of coffee with a colleague. Don't let life fly past you. Forgive, forget, and remember all of the wonderful gifts that you have been given by another's love, and share it with the world.


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