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Flare 22


2001-02-19-5:45 pm CDT

Two weeks and no new entry! I should be whipped (please). So much to talk about. I'm having a bit of a problem (shocking, I know). One of my dear friends V is having problems with her boyfriend. For some reason people tend to come to me with their relationship problems. I don't know why. Maybe it's my extensive knowledge of relationships and how they work. You know, considering I've had so many (enter sarcasm here). I don't really mind. I find it very flattering that my friends trust me enough and value my judgment enough to tell me about their problems. I'm good at giving advice, showing different perspectives of situations.

For some reason lately I've begun to feel extremely....stifled....by this constant barrage of troubles. I just want to be alone for five minutes with my own thoughts and feelings. There are things I really need to get done that I find myself neglecting because I'm dealing with other people. Then I feel like I'm being selfish when I want them to go away.

Yesterday I really wanted to be alone. I had a ton of work to do. Math work. I am terrible at math. Eventually I had to leave my own room and go into the hallway at 3:00 in the morning to get my work done. How do I get people to leave me alone without hurting their feelings, especially when they're going through rough times? Am I just being a selfish bitch? Or is it ok to want time to myself, even if it means turning away someone who wants to talk?

I'm sure that if I told them that I need a little me-time my friends would understand, it's just a matter of me always trying to fix everyone's lives, to help in some way. I don't want to stop doing that. I love helping people. That's why I want to be a psychologist. It's just so hard to find the balance.

Make life grand! Don't forget to stop and take a breath once in awhile. Even if you have to leave the room to do it.


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