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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2006-05-01-2:30 a.m.

So I joined an online dating site. I know what you're thinking, "Steph, YOU can't find a date? There must be men falling all over thenselves to get to you!" Alas, that is not the case. I guess my astounding beauty imtimidates them.

Anyway, things have actually been going OK. I have met a few people that seem pretty cool, but then again any monkey who can type can seem cool online (see: Supersteph.diaryland.com for example) That's not my problem. Remember my crush? Well, so do I. Too much. I can't seem to forget about him. And compare him both physically and intellectually to every single guy who dares email me. I know deep down that he's not attracted to me. I see him all the time, and on each occasion he has ample opportunity to make his feelings known. And still. . . NOTHING! I KNOW he doesn't like me in that way. I just don't know how to shake the hope that, maybe, I'm wrong and he's secretly harboring the same lust I feel for him.

I hate that I'm such a friggin' coward. The worst thing that could happen is that I tell him, he laughs at me (which he would never do because he's too nice) and then we endure another year or so of excruciating discomfort when we see each other at work every day. No big. I'll do it! I'm telling him so I can get over him and move on with my life.

Yeah. . . and did I mention the pigs flying over my head right now?

Happy Monday!

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