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Flare 22


2002-11-04-2:46 p.m.

I tend to get extremely pissed off at political correctness. I'm not saying I'd appreciate someone walking around calling me a Dago, but I hate when people get their underwear in a knot about what amounts to mere sematics.

Take, for instance, the abortion debate. I know what you're thinking, but have no fear. I'm not going to start whining about the moral conundrum that presents itself with this touchy subject. I am merely using the issue as a tool to illustrate my point. We have the "pro-life/anti-choice" group on one side. Then we have the "pro-choice/anti-life" gang on the other. Each side chooses to call itself something different, but in essence the names are the same. If I called an abortion proponent "anti-life" I'd get slammed into the ground. But if I call an an abortion opponent "anti-choice" I wouldn't be doing a much better job. The funny thing is the pro-lifers aren't anti choice, and the pro-choicers aren't anti-life. Frankly, the world would be much better off just calling activists by their most accurate names. . .lunatics.

So get to the fucking point, Steph. What I'm trying to say is that such labels lend themselves to blatant inaccuracies and only perpetuate the very same stereotypes we are hoping to obliterate by using said politically correct terms. Is every black person I meet an American of African descent? Could a black person perhaps be from Canada or even (*gasp*) Europe?!?! How could we even entertain the notion that a homosexual chooses not to be defined by his sexuality?

If you ask me, we need to stop fucking around trying to figure out what to call people and actually start talking to them. This isn't rocket science, my friends. Just open your pretty little mouths and let the words fall out. You'd be amazed at what you might learn, about yourselves, the world , and the people around you.

How do we know who people are or what we can get from them if all we do is worry about how PC we are? We try so hard using fancy words trying not to offend that we end up not saying much of anything at all.

In my opinion, it's all a bunch of crap. If you're a dickhead I'm going to call you out on it, regardless of your race, religion, politics, or whatever else we're screwing around with these days.

You can call me baby, sweetie, honey, love, broad, chick, whatever! Just acknowledge that I can slash your tires and I'll know how to change them. It doesn't matter what you call me or what I call you. Just have a little respect, a little love, and a little hot sex (OK, a LOT of hot sex) and life will be just dandy.

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