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Flare 22


2002-11-19-3:27 a.m.

I do not claim to be the expert on one night stands, having never actually experienced one myself. However, I have somehow managed to acculmulate extensive knowledge from listening to my friends who are well-versed in the act. I present to you, without further adieu:

Eight Simple Rules for the Perfect One Night Stand (from a woman's perspective)

Rule #1 The Pickup:
Sashay around the bar/club. Do a round, scope out the merchandise and set your target. Be aware of any lurking boyfriends/girlfriends to cramp your style. Moving in on someone else's man is never acceptable.

Rule #2 Catching His Eye:
Dance seductively in front of him, shake your hips, lick your lips like you want to devour him whole. If he is dancing, slide over to him, grab him and get your groove on. Any movement that remotely reminds him of sex is pure gold.

Rule #3 Reeling Him In:
Suggest a drink. If he is drunk (and chances are he will be) he'll offer to buy one for you. Accept, but watch yourself. You'll need to keep the upper hand so don't get too tipsy.

Rule #4 Going in for The kill:
Ususally there will be some sort of physical interaction at the actual drinking establishment. If he kisses like your dog, abort mission. He will most likely be about as good in bed. Get someone to save you. Which brings us to. . .

Rule #5 Always Have a Backup Plan:
Always, I repeat, ALWAYS bring some girlfriends with you. Warn them of your plans for the evening, so they can make appropriate arrangements should you succeed in your conquest and leave them to fend for themselves. Make sure there is a designated savior, just in case you break Rule 3, get rocked, and forget your own name. The Savior will be instrumental in the abortion of Rule #4. She will also be responsible for making sure you have a proper supply of condoms for your protection and that you won't regret your actions in the morning. She will also ensure that your taste in men has not been addled by your desperation for sex and/or your obscene consumption of alcohol.

Rule #6 Taking Him Home:
YOU take HIM home, not the other way around. He plays by your rules. If he turns heinous you can kick him out and move on. If, however, he turns into scary stalker man, he now knows where you live. Use extreme caution when making the decision of his place or yours. If you live with your parents, it's his place all the way.

Rule #7 Having Sex:
Usually the one night stand will almost always be good, if not great. He's new, exciting, and if he's sleeping with some woman he just met, he's more than likely a little adventurous. Don't do anything you don't want to do and once again, make sure he wraps it up, EVERY TIME. The last thing you need is a little gift nine months from now whose father you don't even remember.

Step #8 The Aftermath:
Ok, you made it (hee hee get it?) Whether the sex was good or bad, it's done. Don't regret it. Protocol dictates that you exchange phone numbers. This in no way obligates you to call each other. Don't expect him to call. Don't call him. It ruins the magic of a One Night Stand. However, as a woman, you will belabor the subject to the extreme annoyance of your girlfriends and lament over why he has not called and what that means about you as a person. I'll give you some advice. Treat the situation like a man would. He has not called because he wanted just what he got, some random, anonymous ass. This has no bearing whatsoever on you as a person. You weren't bad in bed, your personality didn't turn him off. He wasn't even appalled that you haven't been bikini waxed in six months. He didn't care. Again I remind you that he just wanted some random sex. Take it at that and move on. You don't want to alientate your girlfriends with this annoying need for reassurance. After all, you may need them to save you again one day soon.

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