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Flare 22



Sometimes I lead a pretty boring life. Bet you didn't know that given the absolute excitement provided to you here. I know you secretly yearn for my little tidbits of wisdom and only hope that one day you'll be as insightful and well-spoken as I (please don't hurt yourselves as you fall to the floor laughing.) Recently I encountered someone who mocked my writing style. I know you're all in horror at this. "You Steph," you're probably saying right now, "Impossible! You're an AMAZING writer." Not everyone thinks so. And I admit I could use a little bit of help. For example, I use "maybe" waaaay too much. Other words that are just too prevalant are "sometimes" and "I." Personally, I see no problem with the word "I." If you ask me, (and even if you don't ask me) "I" is the greatest word in the English language. Short, sweet, and it always refers to someone I love:) As for "maybe" well, there are many, many "maybes" in my life. So there has to be maybes in my writing, which is about my life.

You may also notice that at times my entries are a bit disjointed. But we won't call them "disjointed." Let's say "stream-of-consciousness." I fancy myself a writer, you see, and we writers can do things like "stream-of-consciousness" writing. But you can't because it'll just sound, well, disjointed. You also can't use the word "but" to begin a sentence. Unless you're a writer. Then you just get to make shit up. Now if you just pretend that you're a writer, (like me) you, too can use "maybes" and "I's" and "stream-of-consciousness" writing. There is one condition though: no double negatives. Ever. More than one negative does not increase the level to which you find the subject negative. However, it does increase 1)your stupidity and 2)your stupidity. People don't want no stupid writers.


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