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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2000-10-19-11:41 am CDT

"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable" --Unknown (thanks Jackson)

It's official! I really do sound like a ten year old. Awwww, MAN! Now my sexy pornstar image is RUINED I tell ya RUINED!!! *Sigh* So I called in to a radio show yesterday. Don't ask me how I did it without falling over and dying from fear. And of course my little voice was only magnified tenfold by the four women who called right after me, all of which had those deep, kinda sexy, scratchy voices. I'm just hoping that it was the phone that I was on. I sound MUCH better in person. Yeah, that's it. Mmmm hmmm, exactly.

Well, actually I kind of always knew that I had a little kid voice. I'm kind of surprised that anyone can take me seriously at all about ANYTHING. Well, at least I'm a shoe in for the voice of the mice if Cinderella is ever remade.

The call was a total and complete impulse thing. It was actually pretty fun. I WANT that spontaneity in my life. So why do I always regret it afterwards? Embarassment is a very powerful thing. I can't understand why I continue to dwell on things that I can't change. How do I change my voice? I can't. It's impossible.

Oh what the hell, I've got to live a little right? So that's it. It's gone, banished from my head. No embarrassment for me. I am DAMN sexy! Hey, stop laughing. . .

Have a great day everybody! And try to remember that you have to laugh at yourself every once in awhile. And, shhhh, don't tell anyone that I'm secretly a phone sex operator. This entry is just to throw you off track.


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