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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2000-10-21-2:44 am CDT

So my friend cooked my roommate and me dinner tonight. I could cut the sexual tension between them with a knife. My roommate is one of the most outgoing people I've ever met and this guy is such a sweetheart! The question isn't IF they're going to get together, it's WHEN. I love watching a potential romance blossom.

SO being the great friend that I am, I left them to their own devices and here I am on a Friday night, downloading Disney songs from Napster. Yes, I like Disney. PG songs to go with my PG life and my little girl voice:)

It's all my fault, really. I just don't know the right people. All of my friends are perfectly content to sit around watching a movie. The drink of choice is Pepsi. And that's cool. I don't need alcohol to have a good time. But it certainly enhances the experience. And I *like* movies. Just once in awhile I would like to get out of the movie theater and experience that awesome new club that just opened downtown. I want to be a part of the city that I love so much. I just need to get my friends to see that. Chicago is one of the greatest cultural hubs in the world, so why do I sit in the dark week after week? Anyone have any ideas?

Go out and have some fun this weekend everyone! I'll be thinking of you at the movies.


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