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Flare 22


2000-11-09-3:01 am CDT

Ok, the elections. How amazing is this? I am not a gung-ho political supporter but anyone would be hard-pressed to not get invloved in what is going on. I am loving how this is panning out actually. I think that this kind of election is just what our country needs to get things moving. How many other elections have been this close? In past elections, I could usually predict who the next president was. But this one is a toughie. To look on the brighter side of things, this election is actually bringing our country together. Roll with me here. No, not that kind of rolling. Dissidence usually brings people together, ever notice that? The Gore supporters praise Gore and the Bush supporters praise Bush. The great thing about this is that the two groups are communicating. Their opinions are being heard. People are being informed. It's a great lesson in tolerance.

I don't agree with Bush. About anything. But I do agree with the right to freedom of speech. I listened to what Bush supporters had to say and took that into consideration when making my decision of which candidate to support. Is it really the end of the world if Bush gets elected? We've had bad presidents before, bad laws. We have overcome. Will Clinton's work be undone? Could my father lose his job because the union that protects him is abolished? I don't know. I hope I never get to find out.

If we learn nothing from this election, if we gain nothing from life with Bush as president, remember this: he can't take away our basic rights as humans to live, to love, and to tolerate the views of others. Bush is not God. If he wins, life will go on.

Maybe my idealistic, "glass-half-full" views are not appropriate for politics. But I refuse to believe that any American citizen, even Bush, would let this country that we love be plunged into a modern day Dark Age. The United States is one of the strongest nations in the world. Those politicians must be doing something right. To end my political harangue I leave you with one piece of advice. If you can't have faith in the leaders of this country, have faith that the citizens (read, you and me) do have a voice. We can change things and we will, if the need arises. The moment we as citizens lose faith in ourselves is the moment democracy dies. When that happens it will indeed be a sad day for us all.


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