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Flare 22


2000-07-16-4:36 am CDT

Has anyone else noticed that all of my entries are written at 4:00 in the morning? This has no relation to what I'm going to write about, just a weird tidbit that entered my mind. Speaking of writing, please email me! This is your formal invitation. Tell me what you think, let me know you're reading. Even superheroes such as myself need feedback or we wither away and die. And it'll be all your fault.

That having been said I now turn your attention to


I want some. I've never felt that way before. I was always content to wait until I got married. That's what my Catholic upbringing told me to do. That's what my heart tells me to do. Somewhere along the line that changed. You may have heard me mention before that I am a virgin. It's still cool with me that I'm a virgin. I plan to stay that way. But I don't think I could reject sex as easily now as I could have two months ago. Don't get me wrong here, I most certainly won't go out and jump into the sack with the next guy who walks past. I still want the whole love aspect of sex. I want to make love. I want the cuddles and the sweet, erotic words whispered in my ear and the warm, tender embraces when we finally float back down to earth after that last wonderfully satisfying moment of orgasm. I want the Harlequin novel. A one-night-stand is *not* going to cut it. Certainly not for my first time and most likely not for any time after.

I know what you're thinking, "There she goes again with her romantic delusions of grandeur." And that, my dear friends, is why I'm sitting here at my computer, alone, describing this to you instead of out in the 3D world practicing it. Because that's all these meanderings of my mind are, delusions of grandeur.

May all of your delusions be as grand as mine. Write to me!!


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