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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2000-07-03-9:25pm CDT


Everyone feels lonely at one point or another in his or her lifetime. It's inevitable. You can't be surrounded by people all the time, right? I once read somewhere a quote that went something like "You may be lonely, but you're never alone." While this is true to some extent, I can't help but question this guy's reasoning. How can someone say that unless they've never felt the aching emptiness of being alone, of having no one to cuddle with, or to share sweet, tender kisses (or long, erotic, steamy ones)?

Maybe I'm too picky, but should I lower my standards just to get a boyfriend? Hell, fuck the boyfriend, (me first) a DATE would be nice. Then again, maybe it's not me. Maybe everyone *else* is too picky. I'm a spectacular person. I keep telling myself that someday someone will see that. And I truly believe that someone will. There is no way that the higher spiritual beings will let me be alone for the rest of my life.

That could just be my romantic notions clouding my rational thought. Sometimes, though, that one thought is the only thing that gets me through the day. So I'm sending out a plea to all of those people who have ever felt the overwhelming ache of being alone. Send out a love vibe, say a prayer, whatever tickles your pickle. Let someone know that you love them, platonic or otherwise. Do it anonymously if you have to. Cause us lonely souls need all the help we can get.

Spread the love my friends! I promise I'll do the same.

Love vibes and tickles to all,


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