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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2002-10-04-12:57 a.m.

I went to Milio's on Belmont and Clark to get my hair cut today. I must tell you it was an experience like no other. For those of you who don't know, Belmont and Clark is an ultra-hip trendy area of the city. Lots of cool stuff to see, buy, and do down here: sex toys, clothes, boots, shoes, music. You can get pierced, tattooed, tanned, cut, dreadlocked, and colored all within a half mile radius. Awesome place to be. Hence, my roommate and I believed that this would be the perfect place to get our new styles.

We get to the salon which everyone has raved about, and I proceed to get my hair cut by Jared, who is so much easier on the eyes than my usual stylist Debbie, a family friend. I get the cut and I realize that I have no hair left. Granted I look good with shorter hair, but I usually don't go shorter than chin length. I decided to be daring and go to the earlobe. I just wanted a simple bob, razored and layered to take the bulk out. No frills. What I got was a nightmare, or so I thought at first. Jared cut and cut and cut some more and lo and behold! I end up with one of those cuts that should have looked like the ones the cute, spunky girls have, spikey in the back with longer layers in the front. Except I had no spunk, there were no spikes! He just kind of left it straight.

My dear friends, I have no problem sharing with you that I looked like a butch lesbian. Not that there is anything wrong with being a butch lesbian but I have a hard enough time getting a date for Saturday night, I don't need questions as to my sexual orientation thrown into the mix.

What did I do then, you may be asking, on the edge of your seats. Was I doomed to wear a hat for the next six-odd months? No! I went home, washed my hair and styled it the way I wanted it to look and. . . .triumph! I look like a girl! I LOVE my new hair cut and am going back to yummy Jared soon for some highlights. I can't wait.

Love and sunshine,

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