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Flare 22


2001-07-02-2:21 a.m.

"There is more to heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy."
--Author Unknown

I wonder when it is that we first realize that dreams don't always come true, and life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to. As a child I would dream about my future. In all of those dreams Dr. Steph was the main character. Now, I have come to the realization that Dr. Steph can exist only in my dreams.

When we are children, we believe that anything we wish for will be ours. We convince ourselves of our own invincibility. The world and all of its promises are open to us.

Eventually, and rather unfortunately, as we become more capable of acheiving those dreams, life gets in the way and we lose so much of that invincibility in which we so unfailingly had faith. No one tells us about the obstacles that face us at every turn, trying to beat us down and deflate our dreams. All these problems, situations and accidents, mistakes, some of our own doing and some of which we cannot help or avoid, that get in the way. I am not sure how or why we lose that confidence in ourselves when we need it most desperately.

What I am sure of is that there is no such thing as being invincible, but even with all of the knowledege that comes with adulthood, I can't help but save the memory of being able to do anything I want, be anyone I chose. The Dr. Steph of my invincible years may be lost in the dreams of a young child. I just have to remember that NOT being invincible, in fact being imperfect and making mistakes, allow me to find my dream, not the one that can't come true, but the one that is meant ot be my destiny.


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