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Brought to you by Diaryland

Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2002-09-13-9:02 p.m.

You are a liar, a cheat. You make everyone think that you're someone you're not. Why do you pretend? Are you so insecure with yourself that you think people won't like you for who you really are? No one cares if you don't know how to speak three languages or if you fucked up in college and never got your degree. Why did I have to find out the real you through someone else? Why couldn't YOU tell me? I would have liked you anyway.

I am not impressed by such stupid, trivial matters. I like you for the way you treat your friends, how you never ridicule them for not knowing something or for not understanding. I know you are smart, brilliant even. But you continue to trick people and lead them on.

You cheat on her, constantly. She is so sweet and caring and you know she's head over heels for you. You lie to her too. Sleeping with other women.

You owe me nothing. But her? You owe her at the very least the truth.

Your actions are despicable and your deception reveals more about your character than your lies will ever conceal. So why do I still like you so much? And why have your actions so disappointed me?

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