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Tiny Boxes



Flare 22


2006-06-09-10:17 p.m.

So I just got back from a date with Mickey Mouse guy. It was our first meeting. I thought I could push past the voice. Turns out I was wrong. Plus, he was a total dweeb. Not just a dork. I'm a dork. I could have handled dorky.

He had an annoying habit of breaking out into song out of the blue. I asked him if it was a nervous tick kind of thing. Unfortunately it wasn't. He was cute enough. Really cute in fact, and he had a great smile. But the conversation was lacking. I wasn't bored so much as uncomfortable and I never really did relax. All I could think about was that I needed to get out of there.

All things considered, it wasn't a bad date, necessarily, just uneventful. The chemistry just wasn't there. The funny thing is that I can't help feeling a little disappointed, and maybe even a bit sad. Perhaps it's that I feel as if I wasted my time. I fell into the online dating trap. The email, the too good to be true profile, I thought I had found someone. For whatever reason, there were just things about him that I should have found endearing, but found annoying instead, things that the right girl for him will love.

I really wanted this to work. But as the great Natasha Bedingfield says, "You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall."

Who knows, maybe he is saying the same things about me right now. And even though I'm not sure that I could ever date him, I think I'm going to miss him. It was fun having something to look forward to in my inbox when I came home. Things looked good on paper anyway (or computer screen, as the case may be).

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