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Flare 22


2001-04-04-1:51 p.m.

So I've been relatively happy lately, which accounts for the lack of entries here. My happy life is not nearly as interesting as my near-nervous-breakdown life. There has really been nothing out of the ordinary, except for the mice crawling around in the walls of my dorm (euuuuuwwww). I am slowly learning that money is not the biggest problem in the world. I have the greatest friends and family ever. Even my dad has been behaving (read: not giving me shit about tuition).

So, all is right with the world and I realize that I am a very boring person. I am learning not to resent that or want to change it. Someone who inspires me stresses that life is all about cycles, be they good or bad, happy or sad, up or down or somewhere in between. This is the cycle in my life where I need to be boring, do the things that I may not enjoy doing, not have the things that I want to have, and deal with the things that I have and don't necessarily want. Life would be so boring if everything always went our way, right? Right! (Don't you just hate it when people answer their own questions? So do I:)

What may have brought on all of this wisdom you ask? I was reading one of my old paper and pencil journals. The first one I ever owned. It spanned about ten years of my life, from the age of 8 to 18. It was amazing to see how I changed in those ten years. The journal started out with several entries about how I had a crush on my brothers friends and how upset I was when he blew me off to hang out with them. As I got older I began talking about my mom's surgeries and my worries when we moved into a new house. In high school, I lamented over my grades, my looks, my lack of a boyfriend, whether or not I would like college.

The journal remains unfinished. I was gong to bring it to school with me but I started a new one when I came to college. Soemthing as life changing as college deserved a new journal, I thought.

It's so odd how much things change, how much people grow up in a span of a few years, how many cycles we go through during that time.

And I'm so lucky to have been able to experience each and every one of them.

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